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by Jeremy Voorhis.
Original Post: Globalize at Railsconf, Streamlined unveiled
Feed Title: JVoorhis
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Feed Description: JVoorhis is a Rubyist in northeast Ohio. He rambles about Ruby on Rails, development practices, other frameworks such as Django, and on other days he is just full of snark.
Today I had the opportunity to deliver my talk, Globalizing Rails, at first thing this morning at Railsconf. I was very pleased with the attendance and the general interest from the Rails community in globalization. The slides are available at Expect a few noteworthy improvements to the Globalize plugin over the next month or so.
rockin’ I love the scaffolding extensions plug-in, but it’s all dynamic. I need a more advanced generator that you can plug a design into…
Of course you do.
From what I understand, Streamlined does allow customization of look and feel. It is indeed dynamic and is not based entirely on code generation, but this is certainly a benefit. Like any tool it has its tradeoffs, and if you outgrow Streamlined then it is time to implement your own interface. No tool will do what everybody wants but taken within the context for which it was designed – creating naked objects-style CRUD screens very quickly – Streamlined performs very well; it is not a starting point to build a highly customized administration interface.
What is interesting is that everybody refers to Streamlined as “the ajax scaffolding plugin”. From what I gather, the code is production-ready, assuming it does what you need. If it does not, it is still very useful in a scaffolding context but is certainly not limited to this. Also, I think the ajax bits are just sugar. What this is really about is realizing a faster turnaround without making a mess. Great work, Justin!