This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Leon Katsnelson.
Original Post: RailsConf 2006 is only 2 days away
Feed Title: DB2 on Rails
Feed URL:
Feed Description: DB2 on Rails is a blog maintained by the IBM team working on DB2 enablement for Ruby on Rails.
This year IBM is sponsoring RailsConf in Chicago. Our sponsorship is in place to highlight the introduction of the Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails. If you are one of the lucky 550 or so attendees, you can pick up DB2 on Rails CD-ROM at the registration desk. If you are not coming to the conference, point your browser to Startup Toolkit for DB2 on Rails and download your own copy.
PS. I am attending the conference. So, if you see me around, say hello. I'll be the guy (or one of the guys) in a black golf shirt with DB2 on Rails logo. And I guess I should mention that my name is Leon Katsnelson but "DB2 guy" will also work.