This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Daniel Berger.
Original Post: Karma Bites
Feed Title: Testing 1,2,3...
Feed URL:
Feed Description: A blog on Ruby and other stuff.
Pride cometh before the fall, or so they say. After mocking Mac users for the last few years regarding their so called "superior hardware" in the face of blog entry after blog entry about ye old trip to Apple Care, my 1 year old HP laptop took a hit.
It seems the LCD backlight has (mostly) died. It went out Monday, in the middle of a business trip, simultaneously locking the touchpad into an always-on position. The microphone jack was already dead (static shock), so I took it into CompUSA for repair. Surprisingly, the backlight was back on, but I'm sending it in anyway, since I figure it could go out any time again.
But Karma wasn't done with me. I accidentally plugged the wrong power supply into my modem while futzing around with a fresh OS install on my desktop system. Poof! Up in smoke, literally. To top it all off, my brand new laptop case had a rip in it.
The laptop case was replaced for free, thankfully. The modem, however, belonged to Qwest. While I could wait for a new one, I decided to just buy my own - a nice little ActionTec wireless with 4 ethernet ports to boot.
I'm still without my primary laptop for RailsConf, however, which meant I had to do a fresh OS install on my 5 year old Compaq. Getting everything up to date the way I wanted took a large part of the day. Ugh.
To make myself feel better, I bought and watched the Serenity DVD. :)