This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Guy Naor.
Original Post: Finding Good Color Contrast
Feed Title: Famundo - The Dev Blog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: A blog describing the development and related technologies involved in creating - a family management sytem written using Ruby On Rails and postgres
Giving our Famundo users the ability to change some background colors on the header to match the logo, brough up the problem of selecting the correct color to use for text we have to write on the header. We can't default to just a specific color as it might not be readable on some of the colors.
The W3C recommends how to select colors to achieve good readability. It's a nice formula to find the color contrast and brightness difference. They also recommend on a treshold to compare against, when selecting the colors. I wrote ruby code to do that calculation. You can change the tresholds to give you more latitute in selecting colors.
# Return true if the difference between two colors
# matches the W3C recommendations for readability
# See
def colors_diff_ok? c1, c2
cont, bright = find_color_diff c1, c2
(cont > 500) && (bright > 125) # Acceptable diff according to w3c
# Return the contranst and brightness difference between two RGB values
def find_color_diff c1, c2
r1, g1, b1 = break_color c1
r2, g2, b2 = break_color c2
cont_diff = (r1-r2).abs+(g1-g2).abs+(b1-b2).abs # Color contrast
bright1 = (r1 * 299 + g1 * 587 + b1 * 114) / 1000
bright2 = (r2 * 299 + g2 * 587 + b2 * 114) / 1000
brt_diff = (bright1 - bright2).abs # Color brightness diff
[cont_diff, brt_diff]
# Break a color into the R, G and B components
def break_color rgb
r = (rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16
g = (rgb & 0x00ff00) >> 8
b = rgb & 0x0000ff
A simple way to use it, is to have an array with different color options, and look in it for a match:
possible_colors = [0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xffff00, 0x00ffff, 0xffffff]
good_color = 0 # We can default to black...
possible_colors.each do |c|
if colors_diff_ok? c, my_color
good_color = c