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by Christian Neukirchen.
Original Post: Why the move?
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I’ve come to the conclusion that shared hosting really doesn’t work. All those people trying on the same machine is bound to lead to resource issues. This might have been fine in TextDrive’s early days when the people there knew a lot about what exactly they were doing, but the more people you get on board, the less fully clued up people you’re going to have. It only takes one clueless person / idiot to start using all the resources and everybody on the box is screwed.
I had to restart my sites when I was away
TextDrive didn’t provide an easy way to ensure your sites were restarted when they rebooted the servers. If you put an entry in cron the process got zapped before it had a chance to start. Daedalus, which they’d originally recommended was banned and I couldn’t find any replacement.
Keeping up with what was best practice
I felt that I had to read the forums every day if I wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing anything wrong. The instructions on the best way of doing things were often buried in the middle of some topic, and if they got updated there was no way of knowing unless you kept your eyes peeled.
I want to learn for myself
Being on a shared host brings with it necessary restrictions, and also means the sysadmins can choose to change something and you have to go digging around to find out why. I wanted to learn for myself without the restrictions so when I saw other people looking around for a VPS where for all intents and purposes you get your own machine I decided it was time to make the switch.