This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Eric Hodel.
Original Post: Keyword Assistant
Feed Title: Segment7
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Feed Description: Posts about and around Ruby, MetaRuby, ruby2c, ZenTest and work at The Robot Co-op.
I use Keyword Assistant with iPhoto to tag all my photos before uploading them to flickr. Unfortunately it has the unfortunate habit of running back to a compatibility mode when run on a version of iPhoto which it doesn’t know about. This means Keyword Assistant won’t make new keywords until the author releases a new version.
There is a not so simple way around this restriction, I just opened up the KeywordAssistant binary which lives in /Applications / /Contents /NetServices /Bundles /KeywordAssistant.NetService /Contents /MacOS/ and change the stored version to the current version of iPhoto. In this case I bumped it from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3.
Naturally this kind of hackery might cause Keyword Assistant to do bad things like make iPhoto crash, so save a backup of that binary (and maybe even a backup of your photo library data files) before changing things around.