This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Robby Russell.
Original Post: Rails Business Hosting Encourages Weekend Getaways
Feed Title: Robby on Rails
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Feed Description: Ruby on Rails development, consulting, and hosting from the trenches...
Wow, it’s only been two weeks since the PLANET ARGON team announced our new suite of Rails Business Hosting plans and the response has been great! Some of our existing customers are taking advantage of this and upgrading their accounts and moving to the new exclusive resort of Rails hosting.
A few people have asked some important questions about our new Rails Business Hosting plans.
Can I use it as a reseller account?
No, this suite of plans is targeted towards businesses who need a more isolated environment for hosting their new web application running on Ruby on Rails! This would violate our 10-15 customers per server arrangement.
How is this better than my own VPS?
We’ll admit, a VPS is a nice option and would be a competitor to our new plans. However, one key difference is that we manage the server for you. Not all developers are also Unix system administrators. We’ve been hosting Rails applications for over a year and understand the complexities that surround deployment and hosting them and leverage this experience when we architect our hosting environments.
Do you have documentation for your new plans?
Yes! We’re modeling our environment to be very similar to our standard rails hosting plans, so the information being collected on the PLANET ARGON Documentation Project is accurate. This also makes it easy for you to move from one of your current accounts to the new service as only a few variables will change.
How many of you have taken a long vacation and not needed to worry about your servers and applications staying up? We’re hoping to help you take that cruise, those three weeks on a tropical island, or the rafting trip your friends keep talking about.