This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Christopher Williams.
Original Post: Google Summer of Code
Feed Title: Late to the Party
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Ruby. Rails. Stuff.
Google has again decided to run it's Summer of Code - funding students to work on open source projects. Unfortunately, last year Ruby wasn't able to get in by the deadline, but this year David Black made sure Ruby Central was a participating organization. We had 14 mentors signup and (last count I saw) 84 student proposals.
The proposal review period is over and project allocations have been announced. Ruby Central received funding for 10 proposals, and the successful projects have been announced.
Among those accepted projects is work by Jason Morrison on RDT! He's a student at RIT (my alma mater) who helped start up our local Ruby/Rails group. I'll be his mentor, and he'll be working on trying to improve RDT to do some code resolution and type inferrence in an effort to improve code completion and other features (such as marking occurences of variables) for our project. Hopefully he'll also be releasing some sort of white paper/documentation to benefit the greater Ruby community beyond RDT/JRuby.
Thansk to Jason for the great proposal, and expect to see some more news about his work here in the future.