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a typical day during my project

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Obie Fernandez

Posts: 608
Nickname: obie
Registered: Aug, 2005

Obie Fernandez is a Technologist for ThoughtWorks
a typical day during my project Posted: May 10, 2006 9:27 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz by Obie Fernandez.
Original Post: a typical day during my project
Feed Title: Obie On Rails (Has It Been 9 Years Already?)
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Obie Fernandez talks about life as a technologist, mostly as ramblings about software development and consulting. Nowadays it's pretty much all about Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
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Latest Posts From Obie On Rails (Has It Been 9 Years Already?)


Early this morning, Jay and Obie take a break from pairing and notice Martin's latest bliki post...

It's still early days yet, but I now have a handful of project experiences to draw on. So far the results are firmly in favor of Ruby. When I ask the question "do you think you're significantly more productive in Ruby rather than Java/c#", each time I've got a strong 'yes'. This is enough for me to start saying that for a suitable project, you should give Ruby a spin. Which, of course, only leaves open the small question of what counts as 'suitable'.

Jay and Obie exchange glances

Obie: "Well I guess Martin is endorsing Ruby and Rails!"

"A lot of SQL manipulation in batch processes where Ruby is used to specify what's needed and the resulting Ruby expressions are converted to SQL to carry out the real work. There's a splash of Rails on the front end - but again it's not the typical Rails app."

Jay: "Hey, that kind of sounds like our project". Obie: "Yeah it does. Guess he's been reading our blogs. Hmm"

Obie and Jay shrug and go back to coding.

Ron goes to the first of a planned daily 4pm meeting to review the defect tracker with the QA guys. There isn't really anything to discuss.

Obie has been pairing with Jay and deciding he doesn't like TextMate very much even though it's the cool editor for Railsers to use.

Obie: "Fuck it, I'm sticking with IntelliJ."

The weekly status conference call with thoughtworks managers, last agenda item... people issues

Greg: so, anyone have any issues or want to speak up?

Stephen: Yeah I do. Jay and Obie went to the Apple store and bought new Macbook Pros this week and now I'm the only one without a mac. I WANT TO KILL THEM!

the day is wrapping up around 7pm... Sudhindra and Obie are tackling one of the toughest stories of the project, originally estimated as a day's work in a couple of hours.

Michael: "C'mon guys, time for dinner"

Obie: "No way, you go ahead and we'll catch up. This is too much fun."

Read: a typical day during my project

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