Got to know about Pixrat (and GlogBlog, Bixee), started by three ex-Yahoos. (Via Swaroop.) The stuff they’ve come up with isn’t rocket science or anything, but at least one of them—Pixrat—is something I would’ve considered using. But I won’t.
I don’t understand why people can’t take design (as in web design) seriously. Pixrat’s design and UE suck. It looks like one of those websites from 1999. But yeah, from what I’ve read somewhere, design/UE is a priority for the next release.
As an aside (well, almost), I like to point people to what Cal talked about at The Future of Web Apps summit.
Check out It's similar to pixrat with the addition of other file types such as videos, audios, and documents. The design is more on the simplicity side where most sites are moving to. You can add images, audios, and videos to MySpace, Friendster, and Blogs.