This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Christopher Williams.
Original Post: RDT and JRuby news
Feed Title: Late to the Party
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Ruby. Rails. Stuff.
First off, an 0.8.0 Release Candidate of RDT has been released. RDT users, please try it out, it's on the integration update site, and of course at Sourceforge. Markus has planned for the official 0.8.0 around April 23rd. You can see what's in the release on our Trac site 0 but here's a quick 'n dirty list:
New Ruby browsing perspective
Code templates now insert properly indented
Simple new class wizard
Positioning fixes
On a related note, we've been having some real troubles with out update site's stability, and have been eating up a lot of bandwidth on a donated server (We're doing 70GB/month now and the rate seems to be increasing about 15GB/month). We'd appreciate any help in getting mirrors or something up to handle the demand - if you think you can help, please email me or the developer's mailing list.
Next up, the JRuby guys have been doing some great work in trying to get full enough support to be able to run Rails. Read more about it on Charles' blog. JRuby is an integral part of RDT - we use their parser to be able to generate an AST and model. It's great to see them make more strides towards full compatibility. An interesting expirement would be to set up jruby as the ruby interpreter that RDT uses and have a fully self-contained RDT install that wouldn't necessarily require a typical ruby install.