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One of the things I do is help maintain the SWIG bindings for the GEOS project.
GEOS, which stands for the Geometry
Engine Open Source,
is a library for working with 2D geometries. It includes support for various
spatial operators and relationships (for some nice pictures that visually
explain what these are take a look at the PDF documentation for a closely
related project called JTS).
The original SWIG binding was done by Sean
Gillies for Python about a year
ago. The upcoming GEOS 2.2.2 release will include a Ruby binding that
I've put together. Since 2.2.2 is a bug fix release, the new Ruby binding
is not part of the standard build process. This has already been fixed
in CVS head, and both the Python and Ruby bindings will be
fully integrated into the standard build sequence for GEOS 3.
For those intrepid souls who would like to try out this library here are
the instructions on how to build it.
If you are using Linux or cygwin or mingW and msys on Windows:
# Change to the directory where you installed geos
$ cd /usr/src/geos/swig/ruby (or wherever you installed geos)
# Download the SWIG interface file or
create it using SWIG 1.3.29 or higher
$ swig -c++ -ruby -autorename -o geos_wrap.cxx ../geos.i
# Compile the SWIG wrapper
$ g++ -c -I../../source/headers/
-I/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-linux geos_wrap.cxx
# Create a shared library
$ g++ -shared -lgeos -lruby geos_wrap.o -o
# Install the shared library
$ sudo cp /usr/lib/site_ruby/1.8/i386-linux/
# Test out the new extension
$ irb
# Load the extension in IRB
irb(main):004:0> require 'geos' => true irb(main):005:0>
If you are running on Fedora Core 5, you will run into this error when
trying to load the ruby extension:
cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
Dan Walsh recently explained that
this is caused by SELinux permission checks. To work around it:
You can also build GEOS and the Ruby extension with Visual Studio 2005.
Unfortunately, the Visual Studio project file that ship with GEOS 2.2.1
do not work and as a result have been removed from the
distribution. If people are interested, I'd be happy to post my custom solution
Once you've built the extension comes the fun part - using it. To get started,
take a look at the test suite I've put together in ruby/test. You'll see
examples that show how to use a significant part of GEOS's functionality,
Importing and exporting geometries using the well know binary and text
Spatial operators such as buffers, centroids, etc.
Spatial relationships such as overlap, within, etc.