This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Obie Fernandez.
Original Post: The Best Ruby on Rails Information Available
Feed Title: Obie On Rails (Has It Been 9 Years Already?)
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Obie Fernandez talks about life as a technologist, mostly as ramblings about software development and consulting. Nowadays it's pretty much all about Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
There aren't many books out there about Ruby on Rails yet, but
that shouldn't stop you from learning all about Rails from the
excellent work that authors and bloggers across the internet have put
into their Ruby on Rails tutorials and blogs.
The following lists are
your guide to the best Rails material out there. (Last updated April 12, 2006)
Getting Started in Rails Despite being written back all the
way back in January 2005, Amy Hoy's short and sweet intro still manages
to be relevant
for Designers Kevin Clark's great introductory article aimed
at the creative types.
Ruby on Rails Introduction
This pragmatic introduction, written by yours truly, focuses on the
essentials needed to get up and running with Rails quickly, with
emphasis on rake and migrations. Lots of code samples in this one.
on Rails on Oracle: A Simple TutorialRichard
Monson-Haefel, famous J2EE author from back in the day, is back in the
spotlight with this official article written for the Oracle Technology
The Best Ruby on Rails-focused Blogs
I used a simple formula to create this list. I went through my
extensive subscription list of Ruby on Rails blogs on Bloglines and
picked the ones from which I've saved the most entries. These are just
a small portion of the Rails weblogs that feature valuable information
on a regular basis.
The original "elite" social group for Rails hackers has a group blog
that I'm honored to post to sometimes.
Tampering with Technology David
Goodlad's experiences
developing with Ruby on Rails, with smatterings of random tech-related
Ruby and Rails jobs Subscribe to
it and see how the amount of job listings for Rails jobs all around the
world is growing every week.
Relevance Justin
Gehtland and his business partners deliver hard-hitting Rails
commentary and techniques
Nuby on Rails One of the greatest
Rails blogs, by Rails podcast producer Geoffrey Grosenbach. Great technical
information, like loading binary data into fixtures. Acknowledged
Rails performance expert Dr. Stefan Kaes gives his brainy explanations
of Rails performance subjects.
Rick "Technoweenie" shares his inspired Rails projects and infinite
Rails wisdom with the masses
Daniel Wanja with lots of good Rails info to check out
Tim Case, passionate Ruby on Rails hacker
Ezra "ezmobius" Zygmuntowicz is one of the Rails communities pioneer
The Best Older Ruby on Rails Articles
These links are to articles that are old enough to exclude
newer important Rails developments such as the migrations API and
should not be used by absolute beginners wanting
to teach themselves Rails.
with Ruby on Rails Part 1
and Part
2 and Part
3 These articles by Curt Hibbs (author of the
1-click Ruby Install for Windows) have been a couple of the most
popular items on the O'Reilly ONLamp since they were published.
Days on Rails (English PDF)
and (Spanish PDF)
Well-presented material that probably won't actually take you four days
to review.
your Web apps with Ruby on Rails
- This article claims to be intermediate, but given the emphasis on
scaffolding I don't think so. Good for beginners nonetheless.