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Implement acts_as_threaded without a plugin

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Bob Silva

Posts: 94
Nickname: bobsilva
Registered: Feb, 2006

Bob Silva is a Rails Developer for the UMESD
Implement acts_as_threaded without a plugin Posted: Mar 31, 2006 2:12 PM
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It's been awhile since I've posted so I thought I'd toss this out there. If you've used my acts_as_threaded plugin, you know its an off-shoot from the acts_as_nested set inside of AR itself. I've managed to create the same functionality without the use of a plugin using the native acts_as_nested_set feature of AR. The relevant code is below. The threading functionality has been moved to the model now, add the following code to your model and you are set.
  acts_as_nested_set :scope => :root
  def before_create
    # Update the child object with its parents attrs
    unless self[:parent_id]
      self[:depth] = parent[:depth] + 1
      self[:root_id] = parent[:root_id]
  def after_create
    # Update the parent root_id with its id
    if self[:parent_id]
      self[:root_id] = self[:id]
      parent.add_child self
  def parent
    @parent ||= self.class.find(self[:parent_id])

Your database schema will need to have the following definition:
create_table "my_table_name", :force => true do |t|
  t.column "root_id", :integer
  t.column "parent_id", :integer
  t.column "lft", :integer
  t.column "rgt", :integer
  t.column "depth", :integer
The trick from this point, is that whenever you create a new thread, if it has a parent_id, then it will automatically be added as a child to that parent record. Otherwise, it will be set as a root thread. This version no longer requires that the fields have a default value of 0 relying on the fact that 'NilClass.to_i == 0'.

Hope you enjoy this, it's come in very handy for modeling structured content in some of my apps (like categories and multi-level organizations).

Read: Implement acts_as_threaded without a plugin

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