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Original Post: Typo Feed Content Types
Feed Title: cfis
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Feed Description: Charlie's Blog
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Being a good web netizen, every few days I check that my blog and Yue's
blog validate using the W3C feed validator (well someone has to serve valid
content - of course having said that I'd better go check again!).
I noticed that Typo, my blogging
software, was serving RSS and ATOM as text/html - which really isn't correct.
So I submitted a bug, and a really simple patch, and didn't think much
about it.
Today I received an email that the patch has been applied by Pier. Thanks
Pier - and I have to say I'm impressed by the fast turnaround!
After using Typo for the last week, I'm pretty happy with it. Its quite
feature rich, particularly considering its young age. To be fair, its not
as polished as WordPress,
which is what Yue uses. The biggest difference is in editing. WordPress
2.0+ has a very nice WSYWIG rich text editor that's simple to use. In contrast,
with Typo you need to know Markdown, Textile or good ole (X)HTML. For technically
inclined users that's no problem, probably even better. But for users who
want to just post content without knowing the gory technical details, its a showstopper. It would also be nice to have a spell checker.
Besides those two things, I can
highly recommend Typo. Of course, you have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and install
your own blogging software (the same is also true for WordPress).