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From 2000 to 2004, Peter and
I drove the development of GE Smallworld’s Internet
Application Suite which made is possible for customers to put their complex-GIS
applications onto the Web.
What we built
was in many ways similar to Rails.
It used a dynamic language called Magik (not much different than Ruby, maybe
I’ll post about it one day), had an ORM layer,
had controllers (we called them services), had the concept of layouts, partials,
pages, etc. I suppose it shouldn’t be that surprising since both frameworks were
designed to solve similar problems - although ours heavily focused on GIS applications.
Anyway, I find it fascinating to compare and contrast what we did versus what
Rails does. Much is worse, some is better.
We also learned a whole lot about the Web and its triumvirate of technologies
- URIs, HTML and HTTP.
At the beginning, our URIs were on the ugly side and we thought REST was
something precious you squeezed into the nooks of an 80 hour work week. And then
we succumbed to the chimera of Web Services and soon became experts on all things
Web Services - name the spec and we knew it cold. WSDL? XML
Schema? SOAP? No problem. And I
don’t mean we knew how to use it
- I mean we knew how to implement it starting with just a lowly XML
parser [No - were are not masochists, we had to because of the environment in
which we worked].
By 2002 we had come to our senses - Web Services were a great idea but SOAP
sure wasn’t - not to mention XML Schema (for fun go look up substitution
groups and wonder why). We found the RESTafarian religion
thanks to the writings of Roy Fielding (you really should read his dissertation!),
Paul Prescod, Mark
Baker, etc. After lots of internal discussion and debate (or
was that shouting matches) we made the decision that REST was the one true way
for web apps and that’s where we were taking the product. And we never looked back.
Now its three years later and we’ve both moved on to other jobs/ventures. By
coincidence we both recently got back into web development using
Rails. Surveying the web development landscape again - its remarkable to see
the WS* versus REST debate still raging. REST is so much better suited for building
web applications, as very many smart people have explained over and over and
over and (yeah I’ll stop now), that is amazing there is any doubt left. However,
I have a nice dream that the debate is almost over because the Atom
publishing protocol, Rails and PHP (don’t hold me to the PHP claim since I’ve never used
it) are driving a stake into the WS* heart.
Which brings us back, in our own tortuous way, to Rails. Rails is fun to use.
Rails is productive. And Rails is fully RESTFUL…or not. Fortunately, its actually
not that far off but does have some warts as Peter did a great job explaining a
couple months ago. The summary is that it falls short it two places. First the
inclusion of actions in URLs and second in HTTP content-negotiation. And that
sets the stages for my next couple of posts. Till then….