Actually I finished jumping through all the hoops last month, Feburary 3, 2006 when I successfully defended my thesis entitled: Finding Minimum Energy Atomic Clusters using Social Insect-based Algorithms. (I’ve included a link to my thesis over in the sidebar on the right). All the programming for the thesis experiments was done in a combination of Ruby and C.
It’s good to be done and be able to work on some other things like setting up this blog and web space as well as working on improving RHDL and planning the upcoming Inline::HDL.
Now that I’m done it’s nice to have a Master’s degree, I suppose, but sometimes I wonder if I wouldn’t have been better off spending the last 3 years being involved in a few open source projects related to EDA. It would have cost less and I suspect I could have learned about as much. Probably the most valuable thing you learn in a graduate degree, though, is how to do reseeach: where the interesting topics are and the right questions to ask. Research is all about asking the right questions.
I’d really like to be involved in doing some sort of research for money but that generally requires a PhD and I’m not sure yet if I want to take that step.
BTW: if you’ve got any researchy kind of stuff you want done my resume is linked over there on the right sidebar as well.