This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by David Heinemeier Hansson.
Original Post: Getting Real by 37signals
Feed Title: Loud Thinking
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Feed Description: All about the full-stack, web-framework Rails for Ruby and on putting it to good effect with Basecamp
If the Loud Thinking haven't been so loud lately, there's a reason. Over the last couple of months, I've been busy writing essays for our Getting Real book along with the rest of 37signals. We've tried to compile the best of our thoughts on building web applications, 37s-style. And now it's finally all done and for sale: Getting Real, the book.
We've chosen to go PDF only for starters. When you live and breathe in the web space, the world of paper publishing is a scary place fraught with inefficiencies and legacy ways. Since we're all about saying less, we thought instead just to write a short book that's really just a collection of essays. Easy to read a few pages at the time on the screen or to print them for the go. So that's what we did.
There are ninety essays in all and you can read four of them for free before deciding whether its worth the buy. The book also serves as a worthy taster for the Getting Real workshops we've been running.
Since they have a tendency of selling out before most people can blink and because not everyone can afford or want to travel to Chicago, it's great to be able to share our thoughts on Half, Not Half-Assed, The Three State Solution, Less Software, and all the other ideas in a more generally accessible form.
Also, despite being hip and youthful, the book doesn't talk a lot about Ajax and other Web 2.0 snazziness. So as a bandage, we made the shop for the book all ajaxy and youthful. Ain't It Cool?