You’ve got to see for yourself this web server Zed Shaw is working on. He’s writing a competitor to Webrick which is serving at ten times its speed. A recent release is Mongrel 0.1.1. The API is still coming together, but the basics are etched.
Here’s some “meaningless” benchmarks from ruby-talk. Each requests the result of a “Hello”-puts’ing simple script.
% ab -n 10000 http://localhost:3000/test
Requests per second: 660.20 [#/sec] (mean)
% ab -n 10000 http://localhost:4000/test
Requests per second: 37.90 [#/sec] (mean)
% ab -n 10000 http://localhost:8080/
Requests per second: 164.92 [#/sec] (mean)
% ab -n 10000 http://localhost:1080/hello
Requests per second: 948.32 [#/sec] (mean)
% ab -n 10000 http://localhost/test.txt
Requests per second: 1218.47 [#/sec] (mean)
% ab -n 10000 http://localhost:8888/test.txt
Requests per second: 3652.30 [#/sec] (mean)
Wow, LuaWeb is quick! For more on the server versions used and all that, see the thread for yourself.