This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Steven Baker.
Original Post: Canada on Rails
Feed Title: conaltradh
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Musings of Steven R. Baker, Ruby geek, and general nut.
Nathan didn’t post the bio that I submitted, so here it is for your viewing pleasure:
Steven Baker has been writing software since before he could legally have sex in Canada. He hasn’t stopped yet. Writing software, that is.
I’ll be speaking on Test-Driving Rails applications, and it’s going to kick ass. I’m looking forward to Joe O’Brien’s talk, as well as several others.
Canada on Rails is definitely shaping up to be a great conference. I look forward to seeing as many people there as possible.
In the weekend following the conference (15-16 April) I’m teaching a workshop, Agile Rails Development where I will cover how to get the most out of the Rails framework: including test-driving Rails apps from start to finish. This is a hands-on workshop for those new to the framework that want to get the most out of it.