This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Adam Green.
Original Post: RubyRiver source code is online
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Feed Description: Adam Green's Ruby development site
The code for RubyRiver is now available for download. Please let me know if you try it and find any problems. I gave it a version number of 1.0, which may seem strange for such a simplistic first attempt, but I've never understood the idea of 0.X version numbers. A version number of less than 1.0 makes sense for internal versions of code where there is a clear idea of what needs to be added before the code is released. You build up to this first feature set and then launch it with version 1.0. If you are using the model of making code available during early development, how do you ever know when 1.0 has arrived? I'd rather start with 1.0 and then work upwards from there. I'll do incremental releases until I switch to an OOP version, and then the code will become 2.0. The first Rails version will mark 3.0.