This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Adam Green.
Original Post: Merging the feeds
Feed Title:
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Adam Green's Ruby development site
This ended up being easier than I expected. Restricting the list of feeds gathered to just RSS 2.0 files helped keep it simple. I will add RSS 1.0 and Atom support in later versions. I should note once again that I am aware of the built-in RSS class and the FeedTools library. They would both have made the code much simpler, but they would also hide too many details that I want to learn and that I want to include in the tutorial based on this code. I also realize that building this code with classes would make a lot of sense. That is planned for a later version of the code, again for purposes of a tutorial. With that said, I welcome any suggestions. I'm especially curious to learn why I can't make any of the destructive versions of methods work, like Hash#sort!. When I try them, the argument's original value is returned.
# Ruby library for parsing XML require 'rexml/document' include REXML
# Itemlist is a hash that will hold all the merged feed items. itemlist = {}
cachedir = get_param("rubyriver.yml","cachedir")
# Parse each of the feed files from the local cache. do |filename| if filename =~ /.xml/
# Read the feed into memory as an XML document. feed = + "/" + filename) doc = feed.close
# Extract the title and link for the entire feed. # This will be added to each item in the merged feed. feedtitle = doc.elements["rss/channel/title"].text feedlink = doc.elements["rss/channel/link"].text
# Extract the details of each feed item and add it to the itemlist hash. doc.elements.each("rss/channel/item") do |item| pubdate = item.elements["pubDate"].text
# Each item merged must have a pubdate to allow sorting. if not pubdate.empty?
# Strip HTML tags from the post's text. # This is necessary, because only an excerpt will be published. description = item.elements["description"].text description = description.gsub(/<[^>]+>/,"")
# Extract an excerpt of the text. max = get_param("rubyriver.yml","excerptlength") excerpt = description[0..max-1]
# Don't split words. # Add characters until a space or the end of description is reached. while description[excerpt.length,1] != " " and excerpt.length+1 <= description.length excerpt += description[excerpt.length,1] end
# Add a link to the original post if there is more in the description. if excerpt.length < description.length excerpt += ' <a href="' + item.elements["link"].text + '">[more]</a>' end
# Wrap the excerpt in a CDATA tag to hide invalid XML. excerpt = "<![CDATA[" + excerpt + "]]>"
# Build a hash of all feed items. # The date/time in pubdate will be used to sort the items. itemlist[Time.parse(pubdate)] = { "pubdate" => pubdate, "feedtitle" => feedtitle, "feedlink" => feedlink, "title" => item.elements["title"].text, "link" => item.elements["link"].text, "description" => excerpt }
end end end end
# Get the first N items in reverse chronological order. # .sort!, .reverse! and .slice! should work here, but they don't. # .sort returns an array. itemlist = itemlist.sort itemlist = itemlist.reverse itemlist = itemlist.slice(0,get_param("rubyriver.yml","maxposts"))
# Create XML files with the resulting items. # The published feed will be standard RSS 2.0. This can only # include a title and link for the individual feed item. # The internal feed will include the item's overall feed title and feed link for # use on the RubyRiver page. make_xml(itemlist,get_param("rubyriver.yml","publishedfeed")) make_xml(itemlist,get_param("rubyriver.yml","internalfeed"))