This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Eigen Class.
Original Post: Recursive data structures, #hash and #eql?
Feed Title: Eigenclass
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Feed Description: Ruby stuff --- trying to stay away from triviality.
In ruby-talk:167185, I showed a way to use hashes as keys in hashes without
degrading the efficiency of the hash (too much). It involved creating objects
on the fly with the appropriate #eql? and #hash methods, as we often do with hashes.
Some time later, I realized it would fail horribly (SystemStackError) if
the hash contained itself (or one of its elements did, transitively).
And then I asked myself, "am I really doing it that much worse than
Ruby?". We know that the semantics of Hash#{eql?,hash} are such that
"recursive hashes" are fine, but what about their cousin, Array?
[RUBY_VERSION, RUBY_RELEASE_DATE] # => ["1.8.3", "2005-09-24"]
W = lambda{|x|x<<x}
W[[]].hash # =>
# ~> -:3:in `hash': stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
# ~> from -:3
"Mmmm surely 1.9 will know better":
[RUBY_VERSION, RUBY_RELEASE_DATE] # => ["1.9.0", "2005-11-03"]
W = lambda{|x|x<<x}
W[[]].hash # => 2
W[[]].eql? W[[]] # =>
# ~> -:4:in `eql?': stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
# ~> from -:4
Alright, so Hash#hash got wiser, but eql? is still doing a recursive
element-by-element comparison.
Just to make sure, let's verify that Hash#{eql?,hash} can handle
recursion (by not handling it at all, that is...)
Can we create an Array#eql? method able to withstand recursive data structures
consisting of arrays?
The default definition (rb_ary_eql) is essentially equivalent to:
class Array
def eql?(o) # !> method redefined; discarding old eql?
return true if o.object_id == object_id
return false unless Array === o
return false if o.size != size
size.times{|i| return false unless self[i].eql? o[i] }
Let's verify that is behaves as badly as the default one. The handy
lambda we've been using is called W because it's reminiscent of the Omega combinator:
W = lambda{|x|x<<x}
W[[]].eql? W[[]] # =>
# ~> -:3:in `eql?': stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> ... 4477 levels...
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:7:in `eql?'
# ~> from -:16