This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Jeremy Voorhis.
Original Post: Liquid templates released
Feed Title: JVoorhis
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Feed Description: JVoorhis is a Rubyist in northeast Ohio. He rambles about Ruby on Rails, development practices, other frameworks such as Django, and on other days he is just full of snark.
I’m a couple days late blogging this, but Tobias Luetke has announced the release of Liquid. Liquid is a fairly standard template engine inspired by Smarty, or Django templates and such.
So why use Liquid if ERb is so great? Isn’t this a step back? It’s really limiting…
Well, that’s the point! Liquid-style templates allow you to establish a higher level of control over what functions are available to template designers, and storing templates in a database and allowing untrusted users to edit them through the web becomes feasible. It also lowers the bar for such users to create their own templates by not trying to emulate a “real” programming lanuage – great for hosted applications with users templates.
Tobi, thanks for this excellent release. I’m looking forward to experimenting with Liquid very soon.