I confess to be prone to distraction, and having discovered the rubyconf IRC channel hasn't helped. But it is a source of some great humor, such as this exchange on Web 2.0:
vinbarne1: can we skip web 2.0? i mean, really, its a bit overhyped - point/counterpoint
JamesBritt: yakoro: Good question
JamesBritt: I'm on Web 2.1
paulymer5: Let's pull a TextPattern and just jump to version 4.
yakoro: web 2.2 here
JamesBritt: Damn
court3na1: 2.1.5rc2
vinbarne1: wha? I'm still on 1.65 :(
yakoro: hopefully we'll make web 2.2 in two weeks, and by the end of november we'll be on web 2.4
bricolage: The magic version will be Web3.11 for workgroups
danp: i'm running web 3.0 in beta right now
JamesBritt: I can't wait. I have ideas that really need Web 2.4 or better
twifkak: problem is 3.0 breaks too many APIs