This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Red Handed.
Original Post: Using MouseHole over LightTPD or Apache2
Feed Title: RedHanded
Feed URL:
Feed Description: sneaking Ruby through the system
If you’re on Linux/BSD/OSX and you’d like to give MouseHole a power-up, try out the new LightTPD support, just checked into CVS. Runs much better than WEBrick and uses the same API! Apache2+mod_ruby support is also checked in, but it still really needs some work. (As usual, contributors welcome.)
cvs -d login
cvs -d co mouseHole
And you’ll have a checked-out copy.
LightTPD MouseHole
You’ll need LightTPD, FastCGI, and FCGI-Ruby installed. Head to your checked out copy of MouseHole and run:
bin/mouseHole -s lighttpd
You can pass in all the typical commandline options as well, if you like.
Again, all the commandline options should work as well. Logs are stored in the same place as above. If you want to inspect or tweak the Apache configuration, see ~/.mouseHole/temp/apache2.