Q: Do you feel that Ruby is still “yours”? Or is it outside your realm now?
A: “Sometimes I see what you don’t see. I don’t want to be a dictator, I try to explain eveything before I make a decision, but I do want to be understood before I make a final decision.”
Q: What is your take on the Ruby Gems debate?
A: I love Ruby Gems. It’s OK to pull into the standard distro, but preferably after some remaining issues are resolved, for example on how to integrate with other packaging systems (such as Debian’s). It could get into 1.8.4 but as is, would not be supported by the Ruby core developers.
Q: Are there any features in other languages that you admire that you want to bring in to Ruby that you haven’t had a chance to pull in yet?
A: “The selector-namespace in Javascript … and several other things.”
Q: Are there any projects in Ruby that need to be done where there just isn’t enough manpower to complete?
A: I think it’s not a matter of human resources, but it’s kind of hard for us to find bugs. So please use Ruby and find those bugs and submit them. Especially with those weird language features.