This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by James Britt.
Original Post: Virus Attack by way of Spoof
Feed Title: James Britt: Ruby Development
Feed URL:
Feed Description: James Britt: Playing with better toys
I happen to have an E-mail account with There's a geek coolness factor in that, but as a practical matter I tend to stick to using addresses directly related to other domains. So I was quite surprised to see E-mail arrive on that account, and extra surprised when the first message told me I had successfully updated the password of my Ruby-lang account. And the second message then said my account was suspended due to a security issue.
But there were some signs that this was not quite on the level. The first message had a gibberish subject line. And both messages included zip file attachments. The zip files contained, Surprise!, executables.
Actually, one had an executable, with a laughable attempt to obscure the .exe file extension; the other had a .scr file, equally poorly disguised.
I've brought this to the attention of folks at, but if you've an account there, take notice.