Ho, oh, ho, here we go. MenTaL sent me this and just keep in mind that when Autrijus talks about MM2, he’s talking about the Perl6 MetaModel2.0 prototype.
Talked with Stevan about MM2, and we both agreed that Ruby-style singleton classes—I mean eigenclasses—is a saner way than this arbitrary distinction of class methods and instance methods. The user-visible API (aka metaobject protocol) would remain the same, but the internal dispatcher would be much easier to reason about.
During this trying time when no one can get their techie catchwords to stick to the refrigerator no matter how hard they slap it with the enchanted magnetic spatula, it’s good to know that the contrived phrases really do fly, graceful and unclasped and bearing north toward chilled shrimp. I know what my Hallowe’en pumpkin is going to say. (Watch Autrijus Tang, definitely people.)