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by Francis Hwang.
Original Post: ContextualService 0.1.0
Feed Title: Francis Hwang's site: ruby
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Feed Description: Author & artist Francis Hwang's personal site.
The ContextualService library makes it easy to manage and set services to a single, global resource such as a database or file system. By defining a service to be a child of ContextualService::Service, you
lock off access to instantiation, so all access have to go through the service’s get method,
and provide a simple way to set the instance, most likely for testing.
For example, Lafcadio uses
ContextualService to manage access to the ObjectStore, which controls
access to a database.
class Lafcadio::ObjectStore < ContextualService::Service
def initialize
end will raise an error. To get an instance of ObjectStore,
you call ObjectStore.get_object_store. If no instance has been
previously set, this will instantiate the ObjectStore and save the
instance for future accesses. If a mock instance has been previously set
with set_object_store, it will simply return that mock instance.
Since access to the global service is attached to the class, there’s no
need to pass in a mock service as an argument to any method that needs
it. This can simplify testing considerably if you’ve got highly
decomposed code that needs to access a global service from many places.
Also, since the Context object is hidden, clients of the service don’t
have to be conscious of it.
def some_method
os = Lafcadio::ObjectStore.get_object_store
# do something with the object store here
def some_other_method
os = Lafcadio::ObjectStore.get_object_store
# do something with the object store here, too
class TestSomeMethod < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test1
mock_object_store =
Lafcadio::ObjectStore.set_object_store mock_object_store
# assert something happened