This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Ted Leung.
Original Post: Python Controls Fabricators
Feed Title: Ted Leung on the air : computers/programming/python
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Feed Description: Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
He envisions a world of cheap personal fabricators. He’s put together a prototype for $20,000 that includes a laser cutter, a sign cutter, and a milling machine that are all controlled through an extension to Python. They’ve put these in rural areas around the world. There is not just a digital divide, there’s a fabrication divide. He shows a video of kids in Ghana using one of these prototypes to make things they want. He shows how rural Indians fabricated a part for about $1.00 to test the quality of milk—something that’s very important to them. Local computers and technology for local needs.