This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Phillip Pearson.
Original Post: Python Job: e-learning XML Editor (University of Auckland)
Feed Title: Second p0st
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Tech notes and web hackery from the guy that brought you bzero, Python Community Server, the Blogging Ecosystem and the Internet Topic Exchange
I just got a message from a guy at the University of Auckland, Brent Simpson, who is looking for a Python programmer to hire on a fixed-term contract to do some Python/JavaScript hacking on a web project, and perhaps do some XUL/JavaScript work inside a Mozilla-based application (I think).
He says:
Ideally we'd like someone in Auckland, but I think we're willing to take a look at anyones CV. If you'd like to take a look at the project you can find more info (or even download our first release).
Aside: If anyone else wants to advertise Python/web related jobs for the New Zealand market (i.e. jobs in NZ, or overseas jobs that someone in NZ could do remotely), feel free to drop me a line (there's a link on the left-hand side of this page somewhere) and I'll post your advertisement on here.