This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Phillip Pearson.
Original Post: Dangerous: treating memcached as a persistent store
Feed Title: Second p0st
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Feed Description: Tech notes and web hackery from the guy that brought you bzero, Python Community Server, the Blogging Ecosystem and the Internet Topic Exchange
Hmm, people are using memcached to persist user/session information. This sounds awfully dangerous. memcached will happily delete stuff from the cache in order to make space for something new you give it. As soon as you start getting near the maximum space available in the cache, strange things will happen.
It might be safer to use something like a MySQL MEMORY table - not quite as quick, but still stored in RAM, and it won't auto-delete rows from your table.
Update: Titus writes in to say it wasn't a serious suggestion. Phew!