Aaron Brady
Posts: 576
Nickname: insommeuk
Registered: Aug, 2003
Re: RAMP Development
Posted: Feb 3, 2005 1:15 AM
Well, the absence of wiring up. It may sound trivial, but it mounts up.
For my app, I subclassed Cheetah.Template.Template with a few extra variables. I created an instance of this at the top of each Quixote method. At the end I returned str(t) (where t is the template instance).
Each form (CRUD) template had some error checking code, and a few SQLObject calls, like Hotel.search('id > 5') - that kind of thing. The results of all of these were set as attributes on the t variable, so that the template could access them.
So, anyway, the easier integration, for me, comes from not having to hand-wire(sic) my code to my template, to my database. It's not /quite/ dependency injection (though there is an IoC framework for Rails), but it means less instantiating things myself, and more of the framework doing it for me.
These are not earth shattering changes, but then, CRUD forms aren't earth shattering problems.
Rails simply takes care of the annoying plumbing code, which can be automated. I still like Quixote/CheetahTemplate/SQLObject, and will likely use them again in the future, but *all* programmers who enjoy their environment are naturally bound to defend the tools they know.
In short, there's nothing (that I can see) that you can do with Rails that you can't do with the similar Python stack. IMHO it's just a little easier.