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The Static Method Thing

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Ryan Tomayko

Posts: 408
Nickname: rtomayko
Registered: Nov, 2004

Ryan Tomayko is an instance of a human being...
The Static Method Thing Posted: Dec 15, 2004 2:07 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz by Ryan Tomayko.
Original Post: The Static Method Thing
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Phillip J. Eby has a recent weblog entry, Python is not Java, wherein he points out a few aspects of Python that are notably different from Java but that are similar enough that Java coders working in Python mistake them for their Java counterparts.

He touches on a few of the characteristics that led me to make Python my general purpose language of choice, a title that had belonged to Java as recently as a year ago. I thought it might be useful to explain these characteristics without assuming the reader has a whole lot of Python experience but that they do have significant Java experience. This would have helped me immensely in determining whether Python was right for me much sooner and I hope it can be of use to someone else.

I'm planning on covering each of the items Phillip points out in his article over the next month and if that works out, I may extend the series to a few other things that may be useful.

This is not a Python is better than Java thing. Instead of bashing aspects of Java's language and library that are obviously valued by the Java community, or insulting the intelligence of Java coders, or using any number of other techniques you might find in Every Language War Ever, Phillip is simply asking Java programmers who may be dabbling in Python to take a closer look at some of the features that make Python unique and attractive instead of attempting to force-fit concepts from Java. If you base your expectations of Python on Java concepts, you are likely going to have a bad experience with Python.

Continue on for the first part of the series, which talks about some of the differences between Python class methods / class variables and Java static methods / static variables.

Read: The Static Method Thing

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