Taking a moment to blog some random things from the past couple of
1. Yesterday I got this message from the new iTunes 4.7:
"This will prevent... AirTunes remote control"? Does anybody know what
that means? A Google search on "AirTunes
remote control" returns a few instances of people wishing for an
AirTunes remote control, but no mention of such a product actually
existing. Is this a hint of things to come?
2. Spammers have been spoofing my email address as the source of
their messages. Not only that, but they went the extra mile and faked a
"Received" header so it looks like the message came through my
provider's SMTP server. I'm getting a lot of messages bounced back from
non-existent addresses that they're trying to spam. Two hundred fifty
eight bouncebacks messages in the past three days, to be exact. I've
set up a filter to deal with them, but it's still extremely annoying.
3. I got a new cell phone, a Motorola
v505. I like it. It has a camera, which is silly but fun. I've been
sending pictures to Hannah, pictures to Flickr, pictures to my test blog. There seem to be
a lot of questions, but no answers, regarding its compatibility with iSync. If anybody has some
definitive information I'd love to hear it.
4. FireFoxy
is a slick little OS X app for making your FireFox widgets look
better. You wouldn't think a little thing like that would make much of
a difference, but it does. Every form entry becomes a little more fun.
5. I quit my job. As of Friday, November 5th, I'm working for
myself again!