This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Ng Pheng Siong.
Original Post: ZServerSSL X509_REMOTE_USER
Feed Title: (render-blog Ng Pheng Siong)
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Just another this here thing blog.
Zope is commonly run behind another HTTP server, e.g., Apache or IIS.
Zope's standard authentication mechanism is HTTP Basic Authentication.
Quoting Zope 2's doc/WEBSERVER.txt, "Sometimes you may prefer to handle
authentication outside Zope, for example if your web server already does
complex authorization [...]" This is done via
meta-variable, i.e., the web server authenticates the client, sets
REMOTE_USER appropriately, and Zope uses that value to handle permissions
for those authenticated users.
Dylan Jay extracted Zope's REMOTE_USER code to create
As Dylan describes, "An example of how this might be useful is the use of IIS
internal windows authentication. IIS can be set to handle authentication of
users against their current windows domain login, thus not requiring any
further login to the website. With RemoteUserFolder installed, any user
with a domain login will be automatically be a Zope authenticated user. In
addition with RemoteUserFolder it is possible to set a default set of roles
for any user of a particular NT domain."
ZServerSSL's X509_REMOTE_USER mode integrates X.509 client
certificates and RemoteUserFolder: Run Zope in REMOTE_USER mode and
configure ZServerSSL's HTTPS server to require client X.509
certificates. When a user connects, ZServerSSL handles certificate
verification and sets REMOTE_USER to the client certificate's subject
distinguished name if the client certificate is accepted. In this case,
the user names in the RemoteUserFolder are structured strings such as
/C=SG/O=M2Crypto/CN=M2Crypto Client. (But still strings!)
Just in case I'm being unclear: In X509_REMOTE_USER mode
ZServerSSL is handling the authentication; there is no external web server.
(A bit of history: Back in 2000 when X509_REMOTE_USER mode was first released
(scroll to the end of the linked page), RemoteUserFolder didn't exist. At
that time I wrote a simple workalike tool that mapped the subject
distinguished name to a Zope username; this program is