This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Michael Josephson.
Original Post: PyBloglines
Feed Title: SDJournal
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Posts from the Python category on SDJournal
from pybloglines import BloglinesWebServices # password is optional if you're only calling update() to check unread count bws = BloglinesWebServices("", "password")
To a count of the unread items for the user:
unreadCount = bws.update()
To get a list of subscriptions:
feeds = bws.listsubs()
This is returned as a list of Subscription objects where each entry has title, htmlUrl, type, xmlUrl, bloglinesSubId and bloglinesIgnore.
for feed in feeds: print feed.title
Get the items unread items for a feed, not marking them as read:
feedData = bws.getitems(bloglinesSubId)
What you get back is the result of passing the RSS returned by the BWS getitems call through feedparser so see the documentation for details on the structure.