This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Ng Pheng Siong.
Original Post: XMail No Root
Feed Title: (render-blog Ng Pheng Siong)
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Just another this here thing blog.
» The file '' contains "encrypted" passwords; it must be
readable by uid/gid 'xmail' although it can be owned by root, e.g.,
-rw-r----- 1 root xmail 1118 Oct 5 08:17
» Since XMail no longer runs as root, it is unable to bind to ports 25
(smtp), 79 (finger) and 110 (pop3). The command line options for these
ports are "-Sp", "-Pp" and "-Fp", respectively. XMail comes with a sample
startup script: modify the line XMAIL_CMD_LINE in this file to incorporate
the above command line options, e.g.:
XMAIL_CMD_LINE="-Sp 50025 -Pp 50110 -Fp 50079"
Because the script is run by root, another modification further down that
file is needed to add the requisite "su - xmail -c ..." command to start
XMail as the uid 'xmail'.
» The final step is to add firewall rules to redirect traffic hitting
the standard ports to the non-privileged ports that XMail is running on.