This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Ng Pheng Siong.
Original Post: XMail Authentication
Feed Title: (render-blog Ng Pheng Siong)
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Feed Description: Just another this here thing blog.
XMail provides an "in-service" username/password system for authentication,
to support virtual user accounts, i.e., accounts that exist within XMail
The manual says that the "encrypted password is generated by 'XMCrypt'".
The output of this program shows that it does not salt and a given password
always produces the same "encrypted" string.
Inspecting the source of XMCrypt reveals that there is no cryptography at
all, just a simple XOR of the password. Hmmmm...
At this point, allow me to mention security patterns, seen from
Ralph Johnson's blog. Coincidentally, Ralph Johnson has written a paper
on the security patterns of qmail, another piece of mail-related software.
Back to XMail, it also supports external authentication. The
mechanism is similar to that of invoking SMTP filters.