Hans Nowak
Posts: 1114
Nickname: roodbaard
Registered: Jun, 2003
Hans Nowak is a Dutch Python addict who currently resides in Florida.
Tolerant Dutch? (note #1)
Posted: Sep 12, 2004 10:24 AM
This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Hans Nowak.
Original Post: Tolerant Dutch? (note #1)
Feed Title: Efectos Especiales
Feed URL: http://www.zephyrfalcon.org/weblog2/rss.xml
Feed Description: Ramblings, rants, musings, ideas and observations. Topics include (but are not limited to): programming (especially Python), books, games (especially CCGs and board games), astrology, design, writing, painting, etc.
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Note that most Dutch *think* they are tolerant, and/or that the Netherlands is. Some speak about it approvingly, some disapprovingly, but they usually think their country is tolerant. ... [359 words]
Read: Tolerant Dutch? (note #1)