This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Ng Pheng Siong.
Original Post: BugMeNot
Feed Title: (render-blog Ng Pheng Siong)
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Just another this here thing blog.
For many years already, the following username/password pairs have been used for this purpose. It's a convention that originated from the Cypherpunks mailing list.
("cypherpunks" "writecode")
("cpunks" "writecode")
("cypherpunks" "cypherpunks")
("cypherpunks" "cpunks")
("cpunks" "cpunks")
I just tried one of the above on the Times site (assuming I went to the one you did) and it works.
(Supposedly, Cypherpunks write code. And for sure, Crackerpunks read code. Or more likely, write code that reads code.)