This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Ian Bicking.
Original Post: Rewriting and Refactoring
Feed Title: Ian Bicking
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Thoughts on Python and Programming.
I've been advocating lately to rewrite a CMS that we've developed, to
move it from Zope to Webware. For various reasons we developed it
with Zope -- the previous version was in Zope, all the other
development was done in Zope, and I didn't feel confident about my
opinion on Zope. Having gone through the process, I now feel more
confident -- it wasn't a disaster or anything, but ultimately I was
just working around the environment, and the parameters of the
development pretty much excluded the possibility of leveraging Zope
(RDBMS persistence with static publishing). These are a few of my
thoughts as I try to justify this... notes to myself, but I thought
I'd share the thought process.
So... the product is deployed and functional, and I've built various
little workarounds to make due with the environment. But I know it
could be a better product in the right environment (i.e., in a fully
Pythonic environment). Because of the way it has been developed,
changing environments would mean major reorganizing of the code (read:
Rewriting perfectly working code is a hard thing to justify. It's not
even a cleanup -- I haven't sabotaged the code, and I haven't lazily
let cruft collect, and even if I did cleanup would be a very bad
justification for code I wrote myself. Or, if it's a cleanup, it's an
architectural cleanup, which is vague, especially since it's not my
Joel's comments on the riskiness are really an accusation of hubris on
the part of developers; where they confuse I-can't-understand-this
with this-is-bad-code. There's other parts too, like there's a lot of
knowledge contained in that code, and you may not recognize it or
appreciate its effect on the product. Or, in his summary:
It's important to remember that when you start from scratch there
is absolutely no reason to believe that you are going to do a better
job than you did the first time. First of all, you probably don't even
have the same programming team that worked on version one, so you
don't actually have "more experience". You're just going to make most
of the old mistakes again, and introduce some new problems that
weren't in the original version.
What does this say to me? It says: we must rewrite now! Because I
do have more experience than the first team (which was a team made
up of me). And if there's knowledge caught up in the code, that
knowledge is also caught up in my brain. If this code needs a
rewrite then it's best to do it quickly, because if I go then
everything Joel says will be true about anyone who wants to rewrite
it. (This is all the more complicated, because this version is
itself a rewrite of someone else's work, so obviously I apply these
ideas only when convenient :)
So... it's not the rewrite Joel is talking about. Which leads us to
the second-system syndrome:
Designing the successor to a relatively small, elegant, and
successful system, there is a tendency to become grandiose in
one's success and design an elephantine feature-laden monstrosity.
This is a risk. And it's something I've done. My response to this
is that we need to focus on one thing -- in this case the programming
environment -- and resist making any other changes in the process.
Which means no added features, no change in the database schema, no
changes to the URL schemes or screen layout, and a very clear target:
something that is indistinguishable from the current application. In
reality there will be some changes, because I would revisit every
piece of the system, and some parts are forgotten and changes will
occur to me. But fixing those things isn't in the plan, and if I
realize I'm doing that, then I've already spent too much time
distracted from my main goal (reimplementation) and I should check
Sadly, this means that the resulting program will have no advantages
over the original program. The time invested will seem like a waste
from the outside. But then, that's always the nature of refactoring
-- and even though this involves rewriting all the code, it's really
just a kind of refactoring.
It's still to be seen if I can actually convince them of this all...