This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Ian Bicking.
Original Post: WYSIWYG Wiki
Feed Title: Ian Bicking
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Thoughts on Python and Programming.
I have the wiki doing different MIME types now (though the full
range of types is yet been supported -- images and other binary files
will come in time).
Most interesting is support for a WYSIWYG editor (htmlArea to be
specific). HtmlArea was a delight to work with -- the only thing that
seemed crufty was that it expected to be in the same directory as the
application. But using Webware's URLParser it just took one line in (urlJoins=['htmlarea/']) to allow me to put
htmlArea in a different directory but merge the URL spaces. I was
able to customize the available buttons and add a button of my own
quite easily.
I also added an incremental search feature for the pages,
implemented in Javascript. The implementation is reasonably short --
though I should implement support for if-modified-since so that you
don't have to download the entire list of pages everytime you want to
insert a link.
As time goes on, this is becoming a publishing environment or CMS as
much as anything. Which is probably unsurprising.