This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Andrew Dalke.
Original Post: Teaching Python for cheminformatics
Feed Title: Andrew Dalke's writings
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Writings from the software side of bioinformatics and chemical informatics, with a heaping of Python thrown in for good measure.
I've started doing training courses for
computational chemists who want to learn more about Python. All
the examples I use come from cheminformatics, using OpenEye's OEChem
toolkit. If you are interested, I'll be teaching a two-day course in
the Bay Area on December 4-5, a three-day course in Leipzig on 2-4
March, and I've started planning a course for Boston in early
April. See my web
site for more details or contact me directly.
Python is quite widely used in cheminformatics, with the major
competitor languages being C, C++ and Java. I say that but they aren't
really competitors because Python can work together with those
languages. Most of the cheminformatics toolkits, after all, are
written in one of those languages, and many have Python bindings. You
can use PyBel to use
OpenBabel from the C implementation of Python, or use Jython to talk
to the CDK. OpenBabel even has .Net
bindings that you can use from Iron Python.
Last month I did a two day course in Leipzig, hosted through Mike
Müller's Python
Academy. All of the examples were drawn from cheminformatics,
using OEChem as the main cheminformatics toolkit. It's the toolkit I
know the best, and I think it's the most powerful and flexible
available. I also covered using Python to talk to a database, make
plots, communicate with Excel, and other special topics.
The biggest feedback I got was that I tried to cover too much during
those two days, and didn't give enough hands-on time. I've did some
on-site teaching for AstraZeneca yesterday and another tomorrow,
bearing that in mind. In one day I covered the basics of Python and of
OEChem. I deliberately did not cover exceptions, classes, or more
advanced topics because I don't think they are that important for what
most computational chemists do. They use classes but rarely make their
My students yesterday were quite happy with the class. There's a few
things to tweak - list comprehensions are too complicated for an intro
course. I'll see how things go tomorrow.
If you're interested in one of my classes, or want to come to your
site to do training, please contact me.