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Moving Past BlueCloth

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Ryan Tomayko

Posts: 408
Nickname: rtomayko
Registered: Nov, 2004

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Moving Past BlueCloth Posted: May 30, 2008 8:58 PM
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I’ve never been very happy with BlueCloth, Ruby’s de facto Markdown library. It was well-developed throughout 2005, reached a fairly complete 1.0 release that year, and then… just… stopped. There hasn’t been so much as a maintenance release since 2005 – and that’s certainly not due to a lack of bugs and feature requests.

BlueCloth is slow. Really slow. Gruber’s (which was never designed for speed, if I remember correctly) can process the basic syntax test document a full three times in the same amount of time it takes BlueCloth to process it once.

BlueCloth is also broken:

$ echo "Oh _is_ it?" |

Oh is it?

$ ruby -rbluecloth -e "puts'Oh _is_ it?').to_html"

Oh, _is_ it?

BlueCloth is broken, slow, and unmaintained. What to do?

Mislav Marohnić recently created a Git clone of the BlueCloth subversion repository to fix bugs. That’s a good start. There’s also Maruku, another pure-Ruby implementation that’s a bit faster and includes a variety of interesting extensions to the core Markdown grammar.

Here’s another idea:

class BabyShitGreenCloth
  def initialize(text)
    @text = text
  def to_html
    open("|perl", 'r+') do |io|
BlueCloth = BabyShitGreenCloth

You laugh!? Don’t. It would be funny if it were actually an inferior implementation compared to BlueCloth. It isn’t.

Shrug. Just sayin…

Announcing Two New Fast Markdown Libraries for Ruby

(Three if you include the pipe-to-perl implementation above.)

I have two experimental Ruby extension libraries: one that wraps Jon MacFarleane’s peg-markdown and one that wraps David Loren Parsons’s Discount. Both are complete implementations of core Markdown plus SmartyPants in C.

Why two? Well, there are some pretty big differences between implementations:

  • Discount has a BSD-style license; peg-markdown is GPL. The Ruby extensions adopt the license of their parent work.

  • peg-markdown uses a PEG-based grammar definition and a parser generator called leg. That’s just fucking cool. It stimulates both the CompSci weeny and pirate areas of my brain simultaneously. Also, this should – theoretically, of course – make peg-markdown easier to maintain and extend and guarantees a high level of correctness, assuming the grammar is defined properly.

  • Discount is thread-safe, has good memory management, and includes a stable set of functions geared toward library use. peg-markdown has none of that but the author is entertaining suggestions (in the form of patches).

  • Discount is quite a bit faster than peg-markdown (~8x in my tests), although either will blow the doors off BlueCloth (or for that matter) in raw performance.

Discount makes for a better Ruby extension presently but peg-markdown has legs (hardy har har).

Installing, Using, Hacking

Git clones are available on GitHub for monitoring, hacking, and browsing the source / documentation files: rdiscount and rpeg-markdown.

GEMs have been released to RubyForge. Install as usual:

$ sudo gem install discount
$ sudo gem install rpeg-markdown

(If you have a spare moment, please consider installing either or both of these and note any compilation errors along with your platform in the comments.)

Both extensions implement the basic protocol popularized by RedCloth and adopted by BlueCloth:

require 'discount'
markdown ="Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html

For rpeg-markdown:

require 'markdown'
markdown ="Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html

Lastly, you can inject either library into your BlueCloth-using code by replacing your bluecloth require statements with the following:

  require 'discount'
  BlueCloth = Discount
rescue LoadError
  require 'bluecloth'


Here’s the results of processing the Basic Markdown Syntax test file over 100 iterations with BlueCloth, Maruku, Discount, and rpeg-markdown on my 2GHz MacBook Pro. All values are wall-clock time.

$ ruby -rubygems benchmark.rb
Results for 100 iterations
BlueCloth: 13.029987s total time, 00.130300s average
   Maruku: 08.424132s total time, 00.084241s average
 Discount: 00.082019s total time, 00.000820s average
 Markdown: 00.715275s total time, 00.007153s average

Note: The Markdown above is rpeg-markdown. I will be changing the class name to something else in the near future.

Here’s the code used to perform the benchmarks (benchmark.rb):

 require 'rubygems'
 require 'bluecloth'
 require 'discount'
 require 'maruku'
 require 'markdown'

 iterations = 100
 test_file = 'test.txt'
 implementations = [ BlueCloth, Maruku, Discount, Markdown ]

 def benchmark(implementation, text, iterations)
   start =
   iterations.times do |i|
   end - start

 # read test file
 test_data =

 # prime the pump
 implementations.each { |impl| benchmark(impl, test_data, 1) }

 # gather results
 results =
   implementations.inject([]) do |r,impl|
     r << [ impl, benchmark(impl, test_data, iterations) ]

 puts "results for #{iterations} iterations"
 results.each do |impl,time|
   printf "%10s %09.06fs total time, %09.06fs average\n", 
          "#{impl}:", time, time / iterations

Read: Moving Past BlueCloth

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