This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Python Buzz
by Micah Elliott.
Original Post: Feeds of all the SWPDX Bloggers (in OPML)
Feed Title: Micah Elliott
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Follow Micah as he makes connections around the Portland area, participates in community hacking events, explores the blogosphere, bounces ideas around, and tries to change the world by catching a big wave.
As I mentioned in my last post, Eventbrite has kindly provided a list of all 50 SWPDX attendees, including their blogs. I also noticed an "OPML Feed" link there. Sweet! Unfortunately, that OPML is useless for Google Reader (lacking xmlUrls), and likely the same story for other readers. I had to manually load each one into my reader to subscribe. I also discovered that a few of the blogs don't have feeds. So I've done some work to prune the list, and it's now down to 15 bloggers, most of which have some real content.
Blogger doesn't appear to allow me to attach anything here, so I'm including a link to my manually generated, hacked up OPML file that contains the 15 SWPDX attendee bloggers. You should be able to just import this swpdx.xml file into your reader. Enjoy these Portlander blogs!