So, I was reading the little snake that couldn't, a pessimistic
post on Python web programming by Ivan Krstic. I was rather annoyed
by his Frankenweb post, but never replied
to it since I figured I'd just be pissy. So maybe this will be an
indirect reply to that too.
First, a point of correction: I'm not developing Pylons (as was noted
in a Tim O'Reilly post),
but I'm working with the Pylons developers as they are using Paste
quite heavily.
Like one of the commenters on that post, I also agree that Rails is
good for Python. Rails is doing a good job at describing a kind of
development that Python is good for -- small
numbers of good programmers making a product quickly and well. And to
quote Ivan: 'If Rails has its way with the web, 2006 will be dubbed
"the year of the anti-enterprise."'; that's a-ok by me too. So I
think I'm on the same page as the Rails guys when it comes to basic
motivation and techniques.
So, insofar as Rails is convincing people that they can do projects
with small teams, with simpler goals and simpler results released in
smaller iterations, that's good for Python. And yes, Rails has been a
much-needed kick in the butt for Python web programming, which was not
being driven forward as it should have been, and not payed enough
attention in the Python community. (Incidentally, Guido was just
hired by Google,
so hopefully we'll see some web needs given a little more attention in
the core.) Python frameworks might not have the buzz that Rails has,
but they didn't before Rails, and they are doing better now
than they were before, so we really shouldn't complain.
Anyway, back to the post:
Point the first: if you're writing a Python web framework that
will out-rail Rails, please give up now.
No problem, no one is trying to do that. Really, not a single one.
Subway was in the beginning, but they stopped really trying to do that
a long time ago (incidentally it looks like Subway will merge with
A Rails-like Python framework with best-of-breed Python components
will never be mainstream, and will never be better than Rails:
it'll just be different. More Pythonic.
I, for one, like "Pythonic," and not just in terms of the particulars
of whitespace or punctuation. Rails isn't Pythonic, nor is Ruby.
It's not the anti-Python either, but there are real differences in
philosophy, and I think Python's philosophy is ultimately better.
Also, I think Rails risks some serious risks of taking a Zope-like
turn, with more risk specifically because of Ruby. Zope added one
Really Bad Idea (Acquisition) that killed one of Python's best
features (locally understandable code and general backtrackability).
There were some other bad choices (TTW, in-ZODB code, lots of mixins
and subclassing); but the worst of the choices were enabled
specifically because of Acquisition. If you don't know what
Acquisition is, think of it as crazy attribute dynamic scoping.
Ruby doesn't have Acquisition, but it also plays loose with classes
and interfaces in a way that makes code hard to understand locally.
Of course nothing is inevitable, but there's risk. And the first
generation of programmers is usually enthusiastic; any failure is a
personal failure, so you can gloss over those things. It's the second
generation that's going to be less enthused, that's going to stare in
bafflement at these classes that mysteriously spawn methods, and
trying to figure out what's going when there's an exception in
dynamically generated code. You can monkeypatch code in Python pretty
easily, but we look down on it enough that we call it
"monkeypatching". In Ruby they call it "opening a class" and think
it's a cool feature. I will assert: we are right, they are wrong.
That's a risk for Rails, but we can't just hang around and hope to
catch people who drop from Rails. But Rails is hardly answering
everyone's needs. And no, Seaside isn't answering every need that
Rails isn't answering.
Python has an opportunity to do something Rails isn't trying to do,
that DHH specifically doesn't want to do: create a heterogeneous web
programming environment. The "Frankenweb" is a feature, and it
describes the web we have, the software we have, and the future that
is inevitable. The world was never all J2EE, or ASP(.NET), or PHP,
and it won't be all Rails either. The Python web framework diversity
is just a microcosm of that; it's not necessarily good, but neither
is it necessarily bad.
There's a certain hubris to the idea that a framework should not reuse
external code (something that both DHH and Adrian Holovaty basically
asserted at Snakes and Rubies).
Yes, you can get by without using other people's code, and often you
can make it work fairly quickly and on a timescale you control, and
the specific gains you get from reusing code may not match your
initial expectation. But there's also a presumption that no one else
is ever going to make code worth using, that you will always be the
cutting edge, that you can assimilate every idea without assimilating
any code. But you just can't be the cutting edge of everything; and
once you aren't, people have to choose to stay or to go.
Well, people don't have to stay or go, but they will if you don't
have a plan. Frameworks can fit together, but it's hard. It's
hard, but it's good exercise. The project that is reusing code right
now will be able to reuse code in the future.
That's one thing Python can do. Another is actually try to pick up
where PHP leaves off. Rails doesn't do any of the stuff that PHP does
well, it merely provides a landing spot for disaffected PHP
programmers. The beauty of PHP is that they are constantly sloughing
off disaffected programmers, and yet their numbers still grow. (If
PHP is wrong, do we want to be right?) PHP grows because there's lots
of useful applications -- some quite good, but you don't even have to
be good to be useful. You install an app, you customize the app, you
realize later you are a PHP programmer. There's other good features
too, but anyway, we can provide useful applications that don't
require an understanding of the framework to install and start
customizing. The last system like that (before PHP) was Perl CGI; and
they did pretty damn well for themselves during that period. Python
can be the next system like that, and hell, I even have a plan.
(Zope 2's growth was very similar, applications first, but Zope 3 is
not at all like this. But it could be! My plan includes everyone
who wants to participate! I love you all equally!)
And that's only like two ideas. Rails has a message, and it has an
implementation that fulfills that message. That's not bad, it's
certainly working out for them. But if you think that's it, that
there's nothing left to work on, then you sorely lack imagination.