So, I was chatting about "helpers" with Ben Bangert on #webware, and thinking about adding stuff to
__builtins__, like html_quote and the like. Hey, don't you
judge me! Anyway, I think I like string.encode('html') more.
But anyway, I was thinking about how to make this stuff somewhat
easier. And I was thinking about a discussion on Py-Dev about adding
a dedent method to strings.
The rationale was that inline strings that match up with surrounding
whitespace need dedenting (ala textwrap.dedent). Why not just use
textwrap.dedent? My opinion
is that the value is too small for the overhead. And this kind of
overhead happens often.
I also think the overhead shouldn't exist. Managing import statements
is obnoxious. When they represent real dependencies or namespace
operations that's fine -- I'd even say it is good. I like namespaces,
really. But managing the imports is annoying.
In this case, I might be 100 lines into a module, and I'm writing a
string. If I really want to use textwrap.dedent, I have to go up
to the top of the file, add import textwrap and return to my
previous location. And, since I know the standard library pretty well
now and tend to use it, it is not uncommon for modules to start with
15 lines of imports. That just sucks!
Then I remember about the py-lib which has py.std.
Using it I wouldn't have to import textwrap, I'd just use
py.std.textwrap.dedent immediately. Does that string seem too
long? I don't think so; it's not the length that is bothersome to me
(it helps backtracking, and that's good), it's the disturbance
of my workflow to add import statements, when I feel like I'm just
feeding the compiler. There's good reasons to be explicit, but this
is just as explicit as an import (maybe moreso). Unlike an import it
is fully localized to the code fragment that uses the module.
Now putting std in __builtins__ is something I could stand