Dave Warnock is feeling enthusiastic about WSGI and Paste, so I
thought I'd give a concrete example of what you can do now...
To get an application running under Paste, the first thing is to tell
Paste how to make the application. Let's say your setting up the
filebrowser application:
framework = 'wareweb'
root_path = '.../Paste/examples/filebrowser'
publish_dir = os.path.join(root_path, 'web')
# This configuration is for the filebrowser app:
browse_path = '/site1/htdocs'
Let's say you put that in site1_fb.conf. From there, you create a
server.conf file like:
server = 'wsgiutils'
port = 5000
urlmap['/'] = "site1_fb.conf"
Now you are serving that application alone. What if you want to
support another application? Well, let's say you create
site2_fb.conf that looks like the first configuration file but
with browse_path = '/site2/htdocs'. Then you do:
urlmap['http://site2.com'] = "site2_fb.conf"
This sets up virtual hosting, so any requests to site2.com go to
the application described by site2_fb.conf. Lets say you add a
wiki application:
urlmap['/wiki'] = 'wiki.conf'
Now */wiki will go to the application you describe there. They'll
all be run the same process (or the same set of worker processes if
you are running a forking server).
I just added the virtual hosting feature to urlmap a couple
days ago. Another feature that would be nice is a way of capturing
variables as you go along. Maybe like:
urlmap['host-regex:^(?P<username>[^.]*).myuserblogs.com$'] = ...
Then I'm thinking that we'd add a key to the WSGI request in
environ['paste.urlvars']['username'] (though I'd like to
standardize the location where we put these kinds of variables that
are found during URL resolution).
For the interested there's some more discussion about the configuration aspect
on the Web-SIG mailing list;
Chris McDonough recently wrote up a related proposal